Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A Walk to Remember

 Yesterday was a day that will go down in laziness history, a day like no other ...  It all started a few weeks ago when I acquired a treadmill from friend.  I was told it was not a good idea to place it where I wanted it (Directly in front of an HD TV with netflix), so I went with the flow and put it where SHE wanted it.  A dreadful place, the back bedroom had a 27 inch 1995 TV with no remote and no TV stand.  So, fatter I became as the treadmill collected dust in the back bedroom.  It called to me but I refused to watch such an inferior TV while working out.
Yesterday I had an epiphany.  A bright light shone from that back bedroom yesterday and the treadmill called out to me like Rapunzel. "Come save me fatboy, for I am all alone in this dreadful place.  Put me where I rightly belong, in front on an HD TV with a remote and netflix.  I will help you if you just please give me a chance!"  the treadmill exclaimed.  I jumped up off the couch and pulled that treadmill out and gave it the seat of honor it deserves then immediately started trying to lose a few pounds.  However, I do have strict rules for treadmill usage.
My Terms of Usage
1. Cold drink, water or alcoholic beverage ... check
2. Remote .. check
3. Wii Remote ... check
4. AC set to 78 ... check
5. Flip Flops .... check
6. Misc. Items to add enjoyment ... Check

52 minutes later I had finished a two mile walk through TV land.  Slow, steady, and comfortable; A Walk to Remember!  Now if I can just keep it up and beat my pace.  My goal for tonight is 2 miles under 50 minutes, momma raised an athlete!

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