Friday, July 15, 2011

Flying with the Owls and Soaring with the Eagles

Summer time is quickly passing.  Wild nights and early mornings, but hey, it's summer people.  Hanging out with teachers day and night is wearing me out. 
I belong to the real world where the only days off are weekends.  If I do choose to take a day off there is no sick pay with leave for self option when I inform the boss.  Basically, a day off is like throwing away money.  I have wiped my ass with too many twenties this year but I did it all with no regrets.
For example, yesterday afternoon I called the boss because I had to TCB. (I already worked 5 hours at my other job so it wasn't like I did nothing all day) He happily let me off work and joined me after the TCB part of my day was done.  This was followed by a "Beach Bar Bicycle Poker Run".  A few of us, including my boss, came up with the idea and have successfully completed 2 BBBPR's.  This involves spending money and not making money but it is "exhilirating" according to one of yesterday's participants.

The moral of my story, wiping your ass with twenties is a blast.  A low bank account balance is not a blast.

It's summer time, I live in Florida right near the beach, money isn't everything, so in the words of the Black Eyed Peas, let's live it up!!!

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